Friday, November 21, 2014

30Daydev Day 3+4: Playmaker FSMs+ Joining Unity & Playmaker Skype groups

These two last days, I didn't do lots of progress programming-wise, I'm using more time on some online biz stuff that are separate from game dev goals, but I'm still satisfied with what I'm at right now: I cleared some important initial questions (like what version of Unity to use,) which I got answers two upon joining Playmaker and Unity communities on Skype groups, turns out I can install different versions of Unity side by side (by simply using a different folder name, how cool is that? :) (I'm using Unity 4.5.5f1 right now and downloaded the latest Unity 4.6 "stable" beta yesterday -didn't know stable beta was a thing-)

I also had a weird brain-experience:
In the beginning, I started studying an official Unity live training for 2D Character Controllers, at some time Mike Geig delved into C# code for controlls, I felt like I was going to sleep on the keyboard, my brain can't handle pure textual lines of code right now, or so that was what I thought.

After using just a small bit of the Playmaker 2D tutorial, and going back to the official live training by Unity, I suddenly found the C# code much simpler than how I looked at it before, because I got some basic logical understanding of how it works, (basic controls etc) which leads me to think that maybe (just maybe,) I may be able to start learning C#, yet I'll be very careful with that at this stage, I may prefer going more in the heart of using Playmaker before venturing into C#, I'm not a natural coder, from what i tried before (C long ago, and Javascript not long ago, was demotivated at some point, can't really explain why, maybe because this brain has difficulty in remembering what terms to use, maybe syntax, not sure...)

Day 3: Basic 2D commands using Playmaker + Playmaker 2D addons

I did just a quarter of a tutorial where I controlled a character with left and right controls, and created a jump action on my own.

What I learned here was:
1- Playmaker needs to install two add-ons for Unity in 2D mode: Mecanim (Playmaker 2D animation add-on) and Playmaker 2D actions, one of them is the Playmaker 2D animator (I don't remember exactly, because once you import the packages their name change. A bit confusing but not a big deal.)
The add-ons for 2D are here for now (21 Nov 2014)
Playmaker 2D add-ons

2- There are already many ways of controlling things like Jump: I tried to make a jump on my own and it worked using the left and right methods, just had a problem with endless jump, which invited me to continue observing the tutorial's techniques :)

The result is I made one Playmaker FSM (Finite State Machines) for left and right controls, and one FSM for the jump action. Here's the first for right and left controls:

Second Playmaker FSM, for jump:

Day 4: Joining Unity and Playmaker respective sofficial Skype groups 

It was very cool to join both Unity and Playmaker Skype groups, many helpful devs there, it inspires me the idea of joining all the main engines communities like Game Maker, UE4 and Clickteam's Fusion, but I have to be realistic, I don't have more than one brain and two arms, not yet, at least :)

That's it for today, to be continued :)


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